Neutral Cycle First Gold-level Bicycle Friendly Business in Champaign-Urbana

The League of American Bicyclists just released its list of the newest bike-friendly businesses in the US and we're thrilled to announce that Neutral Cycle is the first and only CU business to be certified at the Gold level.  This is particularly exciting news following the certification of Urbana and Champaign as Gold and Silver-level bike-friendly communities this past fall.  Let's see if we can't make Platinum, the highest level, within a year or two!Bike-friendly businesses promote biking through the four E's: encouragement, engineering, education, and evaluation.  Click here to see an interactive map of all Bike Friendly businesses, communities, and universities in the US.Though Neutral Cycle is the only CU business to have achieved gold-level status, other local businesses have been certified at both the Silver and Bronze levels, including:SILVER

  • Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District


  • Champaign Cycle Co.

  • City of Champaign

  • Common Ground Food Co-op

  • That's Rentertainment

If you own or are involved with a local business and are interested in becoming certified as a bike-friendly business, check out the League of American Bicyclists' page on certification to learn about what you need to do.  For businesses with under 50 employees, the application fee is only $50 and if you plan on applying this summer, that price has been discounted to $25.  Becoming certified not only shows to your employees and customers that you support biking culture and believe in what it can do for America, but also it can help you to learn how you can better achieve these ends and connects you with likeminded businesses all across America.  Check out their FAQ for answers to lots of basic questions!

BlogKevin Stillwell