Urbana awarded Gold Bicycle Friendly Community Award

This morning, the League of American Bicyclists released their list of Bicycle Friendly communities.  Awards are based on the community's promotion of biking in terms of infrastructure development, education, and encouragement, among other things.  There are five levels of awards given: Diamond (though no community received a Diamond rating), Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze.  There is also a list of honorable mentions.Urbana has moved up from a Bronze award in 2010 to a Gold award this year, making it the highest-rated city in Illinois!  To get a feeling for how significant it is to be given a Gold rating, take a look at some of the other cities we share this rating with: San Francisco, Euguene, Seattle, Madison, etc.  And so no one in CU feels left out, I should mention that Champaign was given a Bronze rating, certainly nothing to scoff at.This is great news for all of us in the CU area.  Keep up the good work, guys!  Now let's work on getting Platinum.For more info, see the website of the League of American Bicyclists and this City of Urbana press release