4 Bike Events this Earth Week


Celebrate Earth Day and Earth Week by celebrating sustainable transportation! Bikes have an important role to play in creating more ecologically-friendly world and C-U is acknowledging that with a number of cycling-centric events this week.Earth Day began in 1970 and since then has blossomed into an entire week designed to raise awareness for the environment and foster a discussion of how to protect it. C-U's got tons of events planned and we put together a list of all the bike-related happenings. Wednesday - April 20Campus Bike CensusThe bike census is happening today from 10-11 am. A bike census is exactly what it sounds like. People go around and count the bikes on campus. This allows us to gauge how many people on campus are biking and where they're biking. We can then compare these data with data from previous semesters and understand trends in biking at UIUC. If you are looking for a new bike then see more here.If you're bummed because it's passed 11am, worry not! There will likely be some additional counting going on this evening at 7, so if you want to volunteer, you can reach out to the Bike Project. Even if you're not available on such short notice, it's good to know what the bike census does and why it's important. If you missed this year's census, keep an eye out for it next year!Thursday - April 21BikeFace Tune-up on CampusBikeFace is UIUC's cycling RSO. This Thursday they'll be on the Main Quad from 10-3, giving free quick repairs for your bike. If your bike's still suffering from its winter hibernation, they'll help you to know what needs to be fixed.If any students want to get more involved in cycling, be sure to follow BikeFace on Facebook. They're your best resource for connecting with other cyclists in our community.Friday - April 22Bike Ride with the ChancellorBikeFace is taking Interim Chancellor Barbara Wilson on a bike ride around campus. Not only is this a great opportunity for a ride, it's also a good chance to talk to university administration about how UIUC can develop its bike infrastructure and promote sustainable transportation.Moonlight Bike RideIf one bike ride's not enough, then join community members for a Full Moon Ride. While it's not officially a Earth Day event, it is happening on Earth Day, and it's a great way to connect with other sustainable transportation enthusiasts.The ride will leave from the Meadowbrook Park's north parking lot on Windsor at 7:25 pm and head to the Dairy Barn in Sidney, IL, some 11 miles to the southeast. There you can grab a cone and—after finishing it, of course—head back home. If you want to join the Neutral team, we'll be leaving the shop at around 6:30 and heading to meet the rest of the group at Meadowbrook Park. Everyone in the community is welcome. There's no better way to end your Earth Day!Remember that, at night, lights are required by Illinois law and helmets are suggested!If you're interested in seeing what a Moonlight Bike Ride is like, here's a short video of one a few years ago:https://vimeo.com/66963622