Announcing Premium Air and Lube at Neutral Cycle

Neutral Cycle announces its new product line designed to meet the needs of CU's busy and active students and professionals.

You want the best air for your kids so they can grow up to be healthy and strong.You want the best air for our environment so that there is a clean future.You also want the best air for your bike, so that you can ride smoothly and safely as you coast down the flat, pothole-free roads of Champaign-Urbana.


It is for this reason that Neutral Cycle is proud to announce that we will now, in addition to our standard air, be offering premium air.  This air, though, will come at a premium.  For merely $1 you can ensure that your bike will have the best air available.BUT WAIT!  THERE'S MORE!Neutral Cycle is also now offering premium lube, specially designed to let you ride cleanly and without abrasion for just $2.  Remember, your bike takes you everywhere, why give it less than the best?When it comes to taking care of your bike, just as with children, why would you take any chances?  Neutral Cycle wants to make sure you don't have to.